Hypnotherapy & Transformational Coaching


Who can be hypnotized? 

Almost anyone in the world (who has normal cognitive function), can be hypnotized. The depth of the hypnotic state is variable from person to person, but if you can enjoy a good movie, then you can be hypnotized. Anyone who has ever become engrossed in a movie, zoned out on a long journey, or even struggled to open their eyes in the morning, while in that ‘snooze button’ state, is in trance.

Am I Sleeping?

Actually, it is just the opposite! You are wide awake! You are very aware, under hypnosis. You are in a state of what is called hypersensitivity. All of your senses are enhanced, your sight, hearing, taste, smell, and emotions. It is closer to a state of daydreaming or relaxing. You will be focused on the words of the hypnotherapist, and outside sounds will seem to fade away. 

Can I get stuck in hypnosis? 

No, the hypnotic state can be terminated at any time you chose. It is your choice to enter the state, and you can always choose to leave it. If you were left in a hypnotic state by your hypnotherapist, or by a hypnotic tape, you would either return to full consciousness on your own, or enter a natural sleep, and awaken after a short, pleasant nap.

Will I tell you any deep. . . dark . . . secrets? 

Not unless you want to. It is not a truth serum! If you have a bag of money hidden in your backyard, the secret will still be safe after your session! In fact, there are many that say that you can even pass a lie detector test under hypnosis. 

What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy? 

Hypnosis has been around for thousands of years. Hypnotherapy is simply therapy which uses hypnosis as a powerful tool to facilitate change. It is used worldwide. 

Are drugs or tablets used? Is it safe? Are there any unwanted side effects? 

No, only the natural power of your own mind is used to relieve symptoms and alter unwanted behaviour patterns. Hypnotherapy is non-addictive and safe, with no unwanted or unpleasant side effects.

Will I be in control and aware of what is happening?

Yes, all the time. You do not go ‘out’, ‘under’ or ‘to sleep’. You are not unconscious. You are in an alternative state of consciousness, with a very narrow focus of attention. You can hear everything that is being said. Nothing happens without your consent. You have absolute control. However, you are extremely relaxed. 

Will I remember what happens during the session?

It is entirely possible to suggest to a subject that, ‘When you wake up, you will not be able to remember anything that has happened during this period of hypnosis, no matter how hard you try.’ This works really well, and often, the subject truly won’t remember what happened.  But, if you don’t apply a post hypnotic suggestion of amnesia, most people will have at least some hazy recollection of the experience, whereas others will remember the whole thing in minute detail. Everybody reacts to and remembers their hypnosis experience in a slightly different way.

Isn’t it in some way anti-Christian or the work of the devil? 

According to the ‘New Catholic Encyclopaedia’, the Catholic Church (the largest Christian organization in the world), feels that the ‘hypnotism is licit if used for licit purposes’. Hypnotherapy is just a tool, albeit a very powerful one, which can help people enlist the power of their own unconscious mind, in order to solve their own problems. In many respects, the effect is similar to prayer or meditation. It was also accepted by the Catholic Church as a proper procedure for its members, in 1958. 

Are audio CD’s as effective as individual sessions? 

No. Normally on tapes and in group sessions, we can only do a session in one specific way. So as a rule, audio CDs and group sessions, have a much lower success ratio, than that of live sessions. This is because everyone is hypnotized a little differently and cannot be tested and individualized when not in person.

Will I do anything against my will? 

No, you will not do anything that you do not think is acceptable, or against your nature. You cannot be ‘made’ to violate your own values or accepted patterns of behaviour. You would either reject the suggestion or come out of the hypnosis. You will hear everything that is said. You are in complete control at all times. 

Do Hypnotists have magic powers?

We don’t! There’s nothing ‘magical’ about Hypnosis, but then again, there is nothing magical about magic shows either! It’s all very predictable and deliberate when you know how and what you see (or don’t see), the result is always down to a great deal of practice and skill.